Culinary Arts Institute – Bread Classes

Culinary Arts Institute
The advent of autumn marks the beginning of the bread class at Culinary Arts Institute. Here, our students are training in the art and craft of bread making. Our guest lecturer is Chef Presiyan from the Bread Brothers Company. He has studied the art for more than six years and currently teaches at the School of Bakery and Fermentation. Our students learn the different techniques of baking and fermentation, and of class, not just the techniques, but also the essentials of making good bread.
Thanks to the knowledge and help of Chef Presiyan, our students learn how to make the best bread. Students obtain more than mere knowledge – they learn the craft itself, as well as discipline and consistency. Making croissants, brioches and different kinds of bread is not merely a part of CAI students’ current education, but contributes to their future fulfilment as well!