Official Opening of the 2019/2020 Academic Year

Dear students, faculty and staff of Varna University of Management,
We have the pleasure to invite you to the Opening of the Academic year 2019/2020 at Varna University of Management!
This is the time to get together and mark the start of a new year of sharing and obtaining knowledge and experience, making new friendships, opening new opportunities.
The event will be held on 25th September 2019 at 16:00 h. in the Conference Hall of Varna University of Management, Campus Varna (13A “Oborishte” Street, floor 4, hall 410). Please, book your seat by following this link not later than 18th September 2019.
Transport to Varna will be organized for students and team members at Dobrich Campus, please make sure you have booked your seat at the above link. The departure time to Varna is 14:45 h., from Mladezhki Dom Dobrich (see here).
The opening event has the following preliminary agenda:

VUM Dobrich Campus
14:45 – Organised transfer for students, faculty and staff from VUM Dobrich to VUM Varna.
VUM Varna Campus
15:50 – Get together of VUM Varna and VUM Dobrich Students for General picture #HelloVUM
16:00 – Opening event
17:00 – Welcome Drink and get to know each other activity
Looking forward to celebrating together the beginning of this new life experience!