VUM Awarded Scholarships to Young Chefs

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Varna University of Management awarded scholarships to the winners in the categories “Young Chef” and “Young Pastry Chef” at “BHRA’s Best Chef for 2019” competition, which was held in the resort of St. St. Constantine and Helena. The young chefs will receive funding of € 1,000 for their education in one of the programmes offered by the Varna University of Management, including the programmes “Gastronomy and Culinary Arts” and ”Hospitality and Culinary Arts” studied at the Culinary Arts Institute.

The competition is organized by the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (BHRA) within the Tourism and Culinary Arts Forum and is held in categories for professionals and young chefs.

In the youth categories participated students from vocational high schools in tourism, members of the Association of Restaurant and Hotel Management High Schools in Bulgaria. The future chefs impressed with creativity, diligence and professionalism and presented their culinary masterpieces on the topic “Balkan gourmet – ethno cuisine” to the elite jury.

The individual culinary competition is held in the frame of one of the most significant events for tourism in the Balkans – the Annual Conference of BAHA (Balkan Alliance of Hotel Associations), with the participation of 7 Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia and Serbia. The forum is under the motto “Tourism, Neighborhood, Partnership – We are strong together!” and for the first time within the conference there will be held “Best Culinary Team of BAHA” competition, in which each Balkan country will participate with its representative culinary team.
