Graduation of Class 2023 at Varna University of Management

At an official ceremony held on November 28, 2023, the graduates of Varna University of Management (VUM), Class 2023, received their diplomas. In addition to the Bulgarian educational and qualification degrees, the successful graduates were awarded British bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the over 150-year old Cardiff Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom.
The graduates received their diplomas personally from the President of Varna University of Management Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD, who greeted them with the words: “May you follow your dreams, realize your plans and always be young at hearts. Together we stand, divided we fall. Never forget your friends from your college days. Please keep in touch with VUM, the career center and your professors. We will always be ready to help you in your professional growth and we will sincerely share the joy of your successes.”
“Your university’s motto is the most valuable possession is knowledge, and you’re now well prepared to use your knowledge wisely as you go out into the world of hospitality and tourism management and live our values of creativity, innovation, inclusion and trust. We’re extremely proud of you, so please be proud of yourself and all that you’ve achieved and enjoy this great day of ceremony and celebration. On behalf of everyone at Cardiff Metropolitan University, I send my best wishes for a successful, happy and healthy lifetime” – with these words Prof. Cara Aitchison, President and Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff Metropolitan University addressed the graduating students.
On behalf of the Mayor of the Varna Municipality, Mr. Blagomir Kotsev, a special guest at the ceremony was Mrs. Elena Kenarova – head of the “Education” department. A congratulatory address to the VUM management and to the graduates of the class of 2023 was received by the chairman of the Varna Municipal Council, Eng. Hristo Dimitrov.
Undisputed attraction of the ceremony was the special video address of the humanoid robot “Profy”, who congratulated the graduating students on behalf of the entire VUM team: “The Graduation Day is like a bridge to the next part of your life, and everything that got you here—hard work, drive and confidence—is going to carry you across to the future you deserve. And I am sure that this future will be bright, because all of you are people who make the right choices. By choosing Varna University of Management as your Alma Mater, you have become part of a successful, modern, dynamically developing, multicultural family. And will ever be part of it.”
On behalf of the Class of 2023, special addresses were given by Lucille Nawa (1 class degree in “Software Engineering” Bachelor’s programme), Ivaylo Gaserov (graduating from the “Culinary Arts Management” Bachelor’s programme) and Ilda Kangoma (graduating with distinction the Master’s program in business administration).
Thanks to the long-term efforts and activity of the academic community, Varna University of Management has become a recognizable educational institution with students from nearly 50 nationalities. Among the 2023 graduates are representatives from Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Seychelles, Uganda, Ukraine and Zimbabve.
Class 2023 is the 25th graduating class of VUM and the 13th consecutive cohort of VUM graduates who receive diplomas from Cardiff Metropolitan University.