Gold medals for CAI students at an International Culinary Competition in Strumica, Republic of Macedonia.

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Our students returned with 4 gold medals and other awards from the International Culinary Competition Gastromak 2018 in Strumica, Republic of Macedonia among participants from 16 countries.

One week of competing in different culinary categories was spent by the students Stefana Germanova and Daniеl Dvoynin together with their Chef – Instructor Kaloyan Kolev in Strumica.

The International Culinary Competition, organized by the Macedonian professional association GastroMak, partnering with WACS (World Association of Chef Societies – the world’s largest professional chef association),  was held in Strumica, Republic of Macedonia from 8th till 12th of October. University students, professional chefs and Chef- Instructors from 16 countries were competing in front of over 30 international jury members.

Our students impressed all the participants and the jury with their professionalism and work level.

Stefana Germanova, a 3d year CAI student, won gold medals in the categories: “Chicken dish” and “Pasta dish”. Stefana grabbed silver medal in the category “Best International Young Chef 2018”.

Daniel Dvoynin, 1st year CAI student, also brought gold medals from GastroMak 2018 from the categories: “Modern dish” and “Fish dish”.

Together with their chef – instructor Kaloyan Kolev, Stefana and Daniel won third place in the category “Best International Team 2018”. Chief Kaloyan Kolev became the winner of the title “Best International Chef 2018 (Black Box)”.

“I am very proud of the performance of our students. The participation in international competitions shows us clearly that we are at a very good professional level and that the efforts and the work of our students are rewarded and gained the recognition of leading names in the field, “said Chef Kaloyan Kolev -” The jury was impressed by the work level of our students. ”

Only a month earlier, our Chef Instructors returned with gold medals from all categories of another international competition in Aydin, Turkey.

More about the race:

